OPUS Virtual Graduate Seminars



This winter semester, OPUS Young Scholars Initiative on Populism, in conjunction with Team Populism, is organizing the first of its Virtual Graduate Seminars with an aim to bolster knowledge on the theoretical, empirical, and methodological underpinnings of contemporary populism and promote academic conversations in a constructive and collaborative environment.

We invite submissions by young and emerging scholars of populism to be presented at our five meetings that will take place between October 2021 and February 2022. Our tentative subtopics encourage submissions on research concerning, but not limited to: populism and democracy, populism and crises (i.e., populism and the COVID-19 pandemic), sources of populist support, populist communication, populist mobilization and performance, and populist polarization.

What to Expect?

Over the course of five meetings, several young scholars will have the opportunity to get together with the OPUS members as well as senior scholars from Team Populism to share their works in progress and receive detailed feedback in a supportive and stimulating environment. Furthermore, they will be able to discuss and collaborate on some data collection, for instance with coding speeches of certain leaders/parties/countries, piloting a survey, or getting help with question translations.

We will have one presentation per session, which will start at 5 pm (CEST/CET / 11am EDT / 9am MDT / 12PM BRT, depending on the date). Contributors are invited to give a presentation of up to 20 minutes, followed by up to 40 minutes of Q&A and discussions. Contributors are also invited to submit a short article related to their presentation (~800–1000 words) for OPUS’ monthly blog posts. Details about the blog posts will be communicated later.

The seminars will take place in the following dates:
October 11, 2021
November 15, 2021
December 13, 2021
January 17, 2022
February 21, 2022


To take part in this semester’s OPUS Virtual Graduate Seminars, please email the following material in one PDF file to initiativeopus@gmail.com by — and no later than — 26 September 2021.
-An abstract of a proposed scientific paper (maximum 300 words)
-A short bio of the author(s) (maximum 200 words)
-Two preferred dates for presentation (in order of preference)

Partial or incomplete applications will not be processed. Late applications will not be accepted. Applicants will be informed about the outcome via email by 1 October 2021. All seminars will be conducted virtually.



OPUS - Young Scholars Initiative on Populism
OPUS - Young Scholars Initiative on Populism

Written by OPUS - Young Scholars Initiative on Populism

OPUS is a platform inaugurated by Team Populism for young and emerging scholars on populism.

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