How to Publish in OPUS Edited Volume ?

The OPUS Edited Volume aims to become a bi-yearly compiled publication of essays written by members of the OPUS Initiative on the subject of populism. We hope to provide young researchers with a platform to expose and explore their ideas, and which could help them later publishing in peer-reviewed journals.

Remember that you can also submit a shorter version to the OPUS Medium Post !

Submission Criteria:
- Between 2000–5000 words in length, excluding references.
- We are running two types of submission — graded, and ungraded.
- For a graded submission, the piece must be graded within the upper two mark boundaries from your institution, such as a Merit & Distinction, Upper Second Class & First Class, B & A. These pieces will take priority for publishing.
- For an ungraded submission, you must be in at least your final year of your
undergraduate course. These will be judged by the editors, and will not take priority for publishing.
- High Standard of English used, with minimal grammatical errors.
- Single submission per author, per issue.
- Author must be the sole creator of the work, no collaborations or presentations.
All Essays Must relate to Populism (obviously!)

Essay Format:
- Title — no more than 100 words. Calibri, size 16, bold and underlined, centralised.
- Credit (You!) — Name and institution, calibri, size 14, centralised.
- Sub-titles — Calibri, size 14, underlined, aligned left.
- Body — Calibri, size 12, aligned left.
- Paragraphs must not be indented.
- APA style of referencing, with a full bibliography.
- Any images must be removed that the author does not have ownership of.
- Any parts of the essay such as contents/cover pages, abstracts and templates should be removed.

Submission Format:
- Email with the subject of “Essay Submission, Your Name”.
- Attach a copy of your essay in the previously described format.
- Include a small abstract for your essay, no more than 300 words.
- Indicate if your submission is graded or ungraded, with a proof of grade for the former.
- This can be anything, a photo of your grade will do!

The author may publish their content elsewhere — OPUS does not claim ownership over any work published.
The views presented in the work published by OPUS do not necessarily reflect the views of OPUS.
OPUS reserves the right to offer feedback and reasons to unsuccessful candidates, however this will be available upon request.
OPUS aims to respond to candidates within 6 weeks from the date of submission, although times may vary.



OPUS - Young Scholars Initiative on Populism

OPUS is a platform inaugurated by Team Populism for young and emerging scholars on populism.