How to Publish for OPUS’ Medium ?

OPUS is looking for young scholars to publish articles and blogposts in our Medium ! We hope to see posts related to populism, various format and opinion pieces on political events that involve populist actors, such as event explanations, predictions, specific break-downs, analysis on new research that has been published, or some inter-disciplinary pieces. You can also publish some shortened reports of your own research that you would like people to know about.
Remember that you can then submit a larger version to the Edited Volume!

Submission Criteria:
- Between 800–1200 words in length, excluding references.
- High standard of English used, with minimal grammatical errors.
- Single submission, per author, per month.
- Author must be the sole creator of the work, no collaborations or presentations.

Blog Format:
— no more than 250 words. Calibri, size 16, bold and underlined, centralised.
Title — no more than 100 words. Calibri, size 16, bold and underlined, centralised.
Credit (You!) — Name and institution, calibri, size 14, centralised.
3 Sub-titles — Calibri, size 14, underlined, aligned left.
Body — Calibri, size 12, aligned left.
Paragraphs must not be indented.

Bibliography and Indexes
APA style of referencing, with a full bibliography.
Any images must be removed that the author does not have ownership of.
Any parts of the post such as contents/cover pages, abstracts and templates should be removed.

Submission Format:
- Email with the subject of “Blog Submission, Name”.
- Attach a copy of your post in the previously described format.
- Include a small abstract for your post, no more than 150 words.

- The author may publish their content elsewhere, OPUS does not claim ownership over any work published.
- The views presented in the work published by OPUS do not necessarily reflect the views of OPUS.
- OPUS reserves the right to offer feedback and reasons to unsuccessful candidates, however this will be available upon request.
- OPUS aims to respond to candidates within 6 weeks from the date of submission, although times may vary.



OPUS - Young Scholars Initiative on Populism

OPUS is a platform inaugurated by Team Populism for young and emerging scholars on populism.